Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Forest, The Trees...and well...Everything!

For quite some time now, I’ve felt strongly drawn to prayer.   I don’t know if I would go so far as to say it is a calling from God or just something I feel a need to do.   However, the more I pursue it, the more strongly I feel compelled to pray.

In my own obsessively perfectionistic way I have been very anxious to make sure I do it “right”.  I’ve tried many different forms of prayer.  I’ve read many books on prayer and studied what the saints have written about prayer. Valiantly, I have left no stone unturned.  My pursuit of prayer has even led me to consider seeking the silence and solitude of the eremitical life.   Yep…that’s right…I’m actually thinking about becoming a hermit.  In truth, some of my friends might say that I’m already a hermit…a hermit crab, that is.

During all this studying and looking and trying, a little thought began to insinuate itself into my mind.   “Follow your own path”, it whispered.   It took awhile, but after that thought finally hammered its way thru my thick skull, it took even more time for me to think that it might actually be alright for me to follow my own path.   After all, isn’t it better (which for me is a synonym for safer) to follow the wisdom of those who have gone before?  Who am I to think that my way could be as good as the way of the great heroes of our faith?  It took awhile for all of this to become fully realized, but when it did, it really hit me. 

Suddenly, I felt as though I had been walking in a forest full of beautiful trees, each one different from the other.   As I walked along, I would come upon a tree that I thought was wonderful and I would do everything in my power to learn all there was to know about that particular tree.  No sooner had I done this than I became aware of another tree and the whole process would begin again.   While each of the trees had something of value to offer, no one tree was the right tree for me.   As I continued my walk in the woods, I came to a large clearing. 

As I looked around, I became aware…not of the trees and not of the forest…but of the ground that all of the trees were growing out of.   I saw that the ground that gives life to the oak tree is the same ground that nurtures the willow.   The soil that gives birth to the pine tree does the same for maple.   It didn’t matter how different the trees in the forest were from each other, they all sprang from the same ground and because of this, they all led to the same place.  They all lead to God!

While I contemplated this image, I realized the ground symbolized the life giving love of God.  It is a love so vibrant that it can’t help but give birth to the many different forms of prayer and ways to follow God which were symbolized by the trees.  I understood that the experiences of those who have gone before us are valuable tools to help us learn. However, if we stay connected to the Lord, then we will be able to find our own way in Him.   As long as we stay grounded in Him, if I may be allowed a double entendre, then we will discover the path He has planned for each of us.  It is a path perfectly formed in love by Him who is perfect love.  Who knows?   I may even grow my own little tree! 

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